Where do I sit?
- No reserved seats in our sanctuary. Festival seating rules apply. We do ensure the last couple of rows are available for guests who may slip in at the last moment.
What about children?
- All are welcome; Sunday school available during services September - June.
Books / Projection
- Our service is most often presented on the screen at the front of the church. It is projected from either the Book of Alternative Services (BAS) (green), or, the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) (maroon), both of the Anglican Church of Canada
Do I stand, sit, or kneel?
You are free to worship in the style of your choice. Generally speaking, we…
- SIT for Announcements, Readings, the Sermon
- STAND to sing, for the Gospel, for the Eucharistic Prayers, and the Prayers after Communion
- KNEEL, STAND, or SIT for the Prayers of the People
What do I do with my offering?
- Interac e-Transfer: donations@stfrancisairdrie.ca
- please include your information for tax receipt purposes
May I receive Communion?
- All persons baptized in Jesus Christ, may share in this Sacrament. If you have not yet been baptized in Christ, please come forward to receive healing prayer, or a prayer of blessing; simply cross your arms at the altar.
- Gluten free wafers are available, please come forward first to receive.
- The Canadian House of Bishops has directed that there be no intinction of wafers at the Communion.
- In our Anglican tradition to receive the bread alone constitutes having received full communion.
- Hand Sanitizers are available at the back of the church.
When do I go up for Communion?
- You will be directed to the altar area to receive by the sidesperson when it is your turn
- The priest will also communicate you in your pew or seat if you're unable to go to the altar
- Our practice is to go up the Lord's Table using the centre aisle; stay on the same side of the church as you are sitting on, and return to your pews using the side aisles.
CONGRATULATIONS! You've made it through the service.
We invite you to join us for refreshments and to meet new friends in our lower hall.
See you Sunday.